Summary: 48 peer-reviewed journal papers, 78 conference proceedings, 7 popular science papers, and 2 theses.
Other public presentations.
The newest papers are listed first.
Journal Papers
Bozzini, A., Huo, L., Brugnaro, S., Morgante, G., Persson, H.J., Finozzi, V., Battisti, A., Faccoli, M. Multispectral drone images for the early detection of bark beetle infestations: assessment over large forest areas in the South-Eastern Alps. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2025.
de P. Pirez, R., Axelsson, C., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. Boreal Tree Species Classification Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data Annotated with Harvester Production Reports and Convolutional Neural Networks. SSRN Pre-print, 2024. PDF
Monteith, A., Ulander, L., Steele-Dunne, S., Bennet, P., Westin, J., Persson, H., Leistner, T., Laudon, H., Fransson, J. A Tower-Based Radar Experiment for Studying the Effects of Boreal Forest Tree-Water Relations. SSRN Pre-print, 2024. PDF DOI
de P. Pirez, R., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. Mobile laser scanning as reference for estimation of stem attributes from airborne laser scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2024. PDF DOI
Udali, A., Persson, H.J., Talbot, B., Grigolato, S. SAR Data and Harvesting Residues: An Initial Assessment of Estimation Potential. Earth, Vol 5, No 4, 2024. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Kärvemo, S., Lindberg, E., Huo, L. Large-scale wall-to-wall mapping of bark beetle damage and forest practices using the distance red swir index and operational harvester data. Forest Ecological Indicators, Vol 162, 2024. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J, Huuva, I. Polarimetric measures in biomass change prediction using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 data. Remote Sensing, Vol 16, No 6, 2024. PDF DOI
Huo, L., Persson, H.J., Lindberg, E. Analyzing the Environmental Risk Factors of European Spruce Bark Beetle Damage At the Local Scale. European Journal of Forest Research, 2024. PDF DOI
Mukhopadhyay, R., Ekström, M., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Saarela, S., Nilsson, M. Computation of Prediction Intervals for Forest Aboveground Biomass Predictions using Generalised Linear Models in a Large-extent Boreal Forest Region. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 2024. DOI
Ståhl, G., Gobakken, T., Saarela, S., Persson, H.J., Ekström, M., Yang, Z., Holmgren, J., Lindberg, E., Nyström, K., Papucci, E., Ulvdal, P., Orka, H.O., Naesset, E., Hou, Z., Olsson, H., McRoberts, R..E. Why ecosystem characteristics predicted from remotely sensed data are unbiased and biased at the same time – and how this affects applications. Forest Ecosystems, Vol 11, No 100164, 2024. PDF DOI
Huuva, I., Wallerman, J., Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. Prediction of Site Index and Age Using Time-Series of Tan-DEM-X Phase Heights. Remote Sensing, Vol 15, No 17, 2023. PDF DOI
Mukhopadhyay, R., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Marielle Mienna, I., Candelas Bielza, J., Austrheim, G., Persson, H.J., Ørka, H.O., Roald, B., Bollandsås, O.M. Technical Note: Mapping and Estimating Aboveground Biomass in an Alpine Treeline Ecotone under Model-Based Inference. Remote Sensing, Vol 15, No 14, 2023. PDF DOI
Gebresenbet, G., Bosona, T., Patterson, D., Persson, H., Fischer, B., Mandaluniz, N., Chirici, G., Zacepins, A., Komasilovs, V., Pitulac, T., Nasirahmadi, A. A concept for application of integrated digital technologies to enhance future smart agricultural systems. Smart Agricultural Technology, 2023. DOI
Kärvemo, S., Huo, L., Öhrn, P., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J. Different triggers, different stories: bark-beetle infestation patterns after storm and drought-induced outbreaks. Forest Ecology and Management, Vol 545, 2023. PDF DOI
Axelsson, C.R., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Holmgren, J. The use of dual-wavelength airborne laser scanning for estimating tree species composition and species-specific stem volumes in a boreal forest. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol 118, 2023. PDF
Huo, L., Lindberg, E., Bohlin, J., Persson, H. Assessing the Detectability of European Spruce Bark Beetle Green Attack in Multispectral Images with High Spatial- and Temporal Resolutions. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 287, 2023. DOI
Persson, H.J., Ekström, M., Ståhl, G. Quantify and account for field reference errors in forest remote sensing studies. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 283, 2022. PDF DOI
Wallin, E., Wiberg, V., Vesterlund, F., Holmgren, J., Persson, H.J., Servin, M. Learning multiobjective rough terrain traversability. Journal of Terramechanics, Vol 102, 2022. PDF DOI
de P. Pirez, R., Olofsson, K., Persson, H.J., Lindberg, E., Holmgren, J. Individual tree detection and estimation of stem attributes with mobile laser scanning along boreal forest roads. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol 187, 2022. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. Two-phase forest inventory using very-high-resolution laser scanning. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 271, 2022. PDF DOI
Holmgren, J., Lindberg, E., Olofsson, K., Persson, H.J. Tree crown segmentation in three dimensions using density models derived from airborne laser scanning. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 43, No 1, 2022. DOI
Udali, A., Lingua, E., Persson, H.J. Assessing forest type and tree species classification using Sentinel-1 C-band SAR data in southern Sweden. Remote Sensing, Vol 13, No 16, 2021. PDF DOI
Huo, L., Persson, H.J., Lindberg, E. Early detection of forest stress of European spruce bark beetle attack, and a new vegetation index: Normalized Distance Red & SWIR (NDRS). Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 255, 2021. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Jonzén, J., Nilsson, M. Combining TanDEM-X and Sentinel-2 for large-area species-wise prediction of forest biomass and volume. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, No 96, 2021. PDF DOI
Huuva, I., Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J., Wallerman, J., Ulander, L.M.H., Fransson, J.E.S. Predictions of Biomass Change in a Hemi-Boreal Forest Based on Multi-Polarization L- and P-Band SAR Backscatter. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020. DOI
Lundbäck, M., Häggström, C., Persson, H.J., Nordfjell, T. Global analysis of the slope of forest land. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 2020. DOI
Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J., Fransson, J.E.S., Ulander, L.M.H. National biomass mapping using the Two-Level model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 13, 2020. PDF DOI
Leonardo, E.M., Watt, M.S., Pearse, M.S., Dash, J.P., Persson, H.J. Comparison of TanDEM-X InSAR data and high-density ALS for the prediction of forest inventory attributes in plantation forests with steep terrain. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 246, 2020. DOI
Zahriban, M., Shataee, S., Maghsoudi, Y., Mohamadi, J., Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. Forest variable estimations using TanDEM-X data in Hyrcanian forests. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 46, No 2, 2020. DOI
Persson, H.J., Ståhl, G. Characterizing Uncertainty in Forest Remote Sensing Studies. Remote Sensing, Vol 12, No 3, 2020. PDF DOI
Askne, J.I.H., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. On the Sensitivity of TanDEM-X-Observations to Boreal Forest Structure. Remote Sensing, Vol 11, No 14, 2019. DOI
Rodriguez Veiga, P., Bouvet, A., Berninger, A., Pathe, C., Schmullius, C., Thiel, C., Ziolkowski, D., Siegert, F., Seifert, F.M., Asner, G., Balzter, H., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S., Carreiras, J., Tansey, K., Stereńczak, K., Herold, M., Staengel, M., Santoro, M., Carvalhais, N., Cartus, O., Yrjö, R., Mathieu, R., Lohberger, S., Quegan, S., Mermoz, S., Le Toan, T., Avitabile, V. Forest biomass retrieval approaches from Earth Observation in different biomes. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, Vol 77, 2019. DOI
Vastaranta, M., Yu, X., Luoma, V., Karjalainen, M., Saarinen, N., Wulder, M.A., White, J.C., Persson, H.J., Hollaus, M., Holopainen, M., Hyyppä, J. Aboveground forest biomass derived using multiple dates of WorldView-2 stereo-imagery: quantifying the improvement in estimation accuracy. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 39, No 23, 2018. DOI
Soja, M., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. Modeling and Detection of Deforestation and Forest Growth in Multi-Temporal TanDEM-X Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 11, No 10, 2018. DOI
Pearse, G.D., Dash, J.P., Persson, H.J., Watt, M.S. Comparison of high-density LiDAR and satellite photogrammetry for forest inventory. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol 142, 2018. DOI
Ehlers, S., Saarela, S., Lindgren, N., Lindberg, E., Nyström, M., Grafström, A., Persson, H.J., Olsson, H., Ståhl, G. Assessing error correlations in remote sensing-based predictions of forest attributes for improved data assimilation. Remote Sensing, Vol 10, No 5, 2018. DOI
Askne, J.I.H., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. Biomass growth from multi-temporal TanDEM-X interferometric synthetic aperture radar observations of a boreal forest site. Remote Sensing, Vol 10, No 4, 2018. DOI
Persson, H.J., Olsson, H., Soja, M.J., Ulander, L.M.H. Experiences from large-scale forest mapping of Sweden using TanDEM-X data. Remote Sensing, Vol 9, No 12, 2017. PDF DOI
Lindgren, N., Persson, H.J., Nyström, M., Nyström, K., Grafström, A., Muszta, A., Willén, E., Fransson, J.E.S., Ståhl, G. Improved prediction of forest variables using data assimilation of interferometric synthetic aperture radar data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 43, No 4, 2017. DOI
Persson, H.J. Estimation of boreal forest attributes from very high resolution Pléiades data. Remote Sensing, Vol 8, No 9, 2016. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. Comparison between TanDEM-X and ALS based estimation of biomass and tree height in boreal forests. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Vol 32, No 4, 2017. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Perko, R. Assessment of boreal forest height from WorldView-2 satellite stereo images. Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 7, No 12, 2016. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. Estimating site index from short term TanDEM-X canopy height models. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 9, No 8, 2016. PDF DOI
Soja, M., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. Estimation of Forest Biomass from Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass InSAR Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 53, No 9, 2015. PDF DOI
Soja, M., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. Estimation of Forest Height and Canopy Density from a Single InSAR Correlation Coefficient. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 12, No 3, 2015. PDF DOI
Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. Forest Variable Estimation Using Radargrammetric Processing of TerraSAR-X Images in Boreal Forests. Remote Sensing, Vol 6, No 3, 2014. PDF DOI
Persson, H., Wallerman, J., Olsson, H., Fransson, J.E.S. Estimating forest biomass and height using optical stereo satellite data and a DTM from laser scanning data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 39, No 3, 2013. DOI
Pelto-Arvo, M., Tuviala, J., Lyytikäinen-Saarenmaa, P., Blaženec, M., Jakuš, R., Majdák, A., Marešová, J., Näsi, R., Persson, H.J., Tikkanen, O., Korolyova, N. Norway spruce in stress: how environmental factors, host ecophysiology, and biochemistry shape susceptibility to bark beetles. Functional Ecology, Accepted .
Lundbäck, M., Wallin, E., Mohtasami, S., Servin, M., Nyström, M., Persson, H.J. . Inclusion of stones in ground point classification in ALS LiDAR data for digital terrain models. FORMEC, Joensuu, Finland, 9-13 Jun, 2025.
Rawat, S., Monteith, A., Gutierres Lopes, J., Sjöberg, Y., Laudon, H., Ulander, L.M.H., Persson, H.J. . L-Band Radar Backscatter and Tree Water Dynamics: Insights from the BorealScat-2 System. IGARSS 2025, Brisbane, Australia, 3-8 Aug, 2025.
Persson, H.J., Roberto Moreira, J., Oré, G., Jörgenfelt, A., Rawat, S., Valbuena, R., Goes, J., Wimmer, C., Freitas, E., Hernandez-Figueroa, H.E. . Boreal Forest Below Ground Biomass measurement by using Drone-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Tomography. PIERS 2025, Abu Dhabi, 4-8 May, 2025.
Persson, H.J., Roberto Moreira, J., Oré, G., Jörgenfelt, A., Rawat, S., Goes, J., Wimmer, C., Freitas, E., Valbuena, R., Hernandez-Figueroa, H.E. . 3D Representation of Tree Trunks and Roots from SAR Tomography Obtained by a Drone-Borne SAR System. IGARSS 2025, Brisbane, Australia, 3-8 Aug, 2025.
Rawat, S., Monteith, A., Ulander, L.M.H., Jonsson, Y., Laudon, H., Persson, H.J. . C-Band SAR Observations for Boreal Forest Monitoring: A Tower and Satellite Perspective. Living Planet Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 Jun, 2025.
Persson, H.J., Offenbacher, C., Nordström, M. 2024. Skogforsklabbet - en plattform för säker delning av Skogssektorns egna data. Kartdagarna, Göteborg, 16-18 Apr, 2024.
Oré, G., Persson, H.J., Mukhopadhyay, R., Valbuena, R., Shevchenko, A.V., Lück, L., Herold, M., Motagh, M., Roberto-Moreira, J., Freitas, E., Wimmer, C., Hernandez-Figueroa, H.E. 2024. New Digital transformation Technology, within the ESG Concept, for increased Circularity in the Boreal Forest by Using Drone-borne SAR. ABTCP, Sao Paulo, 1-3 Oct, 2024.
de Paula-Pirez, R., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. 2024. Tree species classification using automatically annotated multispectral aerial laser scanner data. ForestSAT, Rotorua, New Zealand, 9-13 Sep, 2024.
Persson, H.J., Mukhopadhyay, R., Valbuena, R., Shevchenko, A.V., Lück, L., Herold, M., Motagh, M., Roberto-Moreira, J., Oré, G., Freitas, E., Wimmer, C., Hernandez-Figueroa, H.E. 2024. Drone-based SAR imaging of forest. ForestSAT, Rotorua, New Zealand, 9-13 Sep, 2024.
Mukhopadhyay, R., Ekström, M., Nilsson, M., Ståhl, G., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J. 2024. Comparison of Uncertainty Estimators for a Remote Sensing-based Two-Phase Forest Volume Estimation using Hybrid Inference. ForestSAT, Rotorua, New Zealand, 9-13 Sep, 2024.
Yu, R., Persson, H.J., Bohlin, J., Lindberg, E., Luo, Y., Huo, L. 2024. Influence of crown pixel selection on the early detection of bark beetle infestations using multispectral drone images. IGARSS 2024, Athens, Greece, 7-12 Jul, 2024.
Ulander, L.M.H., Monteith, A.R., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2024. BorealScat-2: backscatter measurements of forest water dynamics. IGARSS 2024, Athens, Greece, 7-12 Jul, 2024. DOI
Persson, H.J., Mukhopadhyay, R., Valbuena, R., Shevchenko, A.V., Lück, L., Herold, M., Motagh, M., Oré, G., Freitas, E., Wimmer, C., Hernandez-Figueroa, H.E. 2024. Setup of a drone-based SAR experiment to analyze a boreal forest. IGARSS 2024, Athens, Greece, 7-12 Jul, 2024. DOI
Fransson, J.E.S., Monteith, A., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L. 2024. Tower-based radar observations of sub-daily water dynamics in boreal forests. EGU, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 Apr, 2024.
Oré, G., Persson, H.J., Shevchenko, A., Motagh, M., Lück, L., Valbuena, R., Herold, M., Hernandez-Figueroa, H.E. 2024. Electromagnetic Simulation of Norway Spruce and Scots Pine for root volume estimation via SAR Tomography. PIERS 2024, Chengdu, China, 21-25 Apr, 2024. PDF
Kärvemo, S., Huo, L., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J. 2024. Bark-beetle infestation patterns after storm and drought-induced outbreaks. IUFRO 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 Jun, 2024.
Axelsson, C.R., Holmgren, J., Persson, H.J., Lindberg, E. 2024. Combining laser data and aerial imagery for nationwide tree species classification. IUFRO 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 Jun, 2024.
Persson, H.J., Holmgren, J., Olofsson, K., Mukhopadhyay, R., Axelsson, C. 2024. Smart forest inventory using samples of dense airborne laser scanning. IUFRO 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 Jun, 2024.
Khoa, P.V., Huo, L., Nguyen, B.L., Persson, H.J. 2024. Mapping of deforestation and forest degradation in Vietnam using Sentinel-1/2 images. IUFRO 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 Jun, 2024.
Persson, H.J., Mohtashami, S., Löwenborg, D., Nordström, M. 2024. Identifying cultural remains using airborne laser scanning. IUFRO 2024, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 Jun, 2024.
Persson, H., Ekström, M., Ståhl, G. 2023. Impact of field reference errors for remote sensing predictions. SilviLaser 2023, London, 6-8 Sep, 2023.
Mukhopadhyay, R., Nilsson, M., Lindberg, E., Ekström, M., Olofsson, K., Persson, H.J. 2023. Two-Phase Forest Volume Estimation using Terrestrial and Airborne Laser Scanning Data using Hybrid Inference. SilviLaser 2023, London, 6-8 Sep, 2023.
de Paula-Pirez, R., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. 2023. An automatic forest inventory method combining car-mounted mobile and airborne laser scanning. IGARSS 2023, Pasadena, USA, 16-21 Jul, 2023.
Huo, L., Persson, H.J., Bohlin, J., Lindberg, E. 2023. Green attack or overfitting? Comparing machine-learning- and vegetation-index-based methods to early detect European spruce bark beetle attacks using multispectral drone images. IGARSS 2023, Pasadena, USA, 16-21 Jul, 2023. DOI
Mukhopadhyay, R., Nilsson, M., Lindberg, E., Ekström, M., Persson, H.J. 2023. Comparing TanDEM-X InSAR Forest Stand Volume Prediction Models Trained Using Field and ALS Data. IGARSS 2023, Pasadena, USA, 16-21 Jul, 2023. DOI
Huuva, I., Wallerman, J., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J. 2023. Prediction of hemi boreal forest biomass change using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 L-band SAR backscatter. IGARSS 2023, Pasadena, USA, 16-21 Jul, 2023. DOI
Persson, H.J., Axelsson, C., Mukhopadhay, R., Holmgren, J. 2023. Comparison of single tree species classification using very dense ALS data or dual-wave ALS data. IGARSS 2023, Pasadena, USA, 16-21 Jul, 2023. DOI
Huo, L., Lindberg, E., Bohlin, J., Persson, H. 2022. Detectability of European spruce bark beetle green-attack using multispectral drone images. ForestSAT, Berlin, Germany, 29 Aug-3 Sep, 2022.
Zhang, X., Fransson, J., Huo, L., Zhang, N., Persson, H.J., Wang, Y., Lindberg, E., Li, N., Huuva, I., Chai, G., Lei, L., Chen, L., Jia, X., Yao, Z. 2022. Mapping Forest Parameters and Forest Damage for Sustainable Forest Management from Data Fusion of Satellite Data. 2022 Dragon 5 Mid-term Results Symposium, Online, , 17-21 Oct, 2022.
Huo, L., Lindberg, E., Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. 2022. Comparing Spectral Differences Between Healthy And Early Infested Spruce Forests Caused By Bark Beetle Attacks Using Satellite Images. 2022 Dragon 5 Mid-term Results Symposium, Online, Online, 17-21 Oct, 2022.
Mukhopadhyay, R., Lindberg, E., Ekström, M., Persson, H.J., Nilsson, M. 2022. Rapid mapping of final fellings using Sentinel-1 data for a boreal forest test-site in Sweden. ForestSAT, Berlin, Germany, 29 Aug-3 Sep, 2022.
de Paula Pires, R., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J., Holmgren, J., Olofsson, K. 2022. Tree species classification using mobile laser scanner along boreal forest roads. ForestSAT, Berlin, Germany, 29 Aug-3 Sep, 2022.
Huo, L., Lindberg, E., Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. 2022. Comparing spectral differences between healthy and early infested spruce plots caused by bark beetle attacks using satellite images. IGARSS 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-22 Jun, 2022. DOI
Huuva, I., Persson, H.J., Wallerman, J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2022. Detectability of forest management actions in time series of penetration depth corrected TanDEM-X phase heights. IGARSS 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-22 Jun, 2022. DOI
Persson, H.J., Mukhopadhyay, R., Huuva, I., Fransson, J.E.S. 2022. Comparison of boreal biomass estimations using C- and X-band PolSAR. IGARSS 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17-22 Jun, 2022. DOI
Zhang, X., Fransson, J.E.S., Zhang, N., Huo, L., Öhman, K., Huang, T., Lindberg, E., Wang, Y., Persson, H.J., Chai, G., Chen, L. 2021. Mapping forest parameters and forest damage for sustainable forest management from data fusion of satellite data. Proceedings of 2021 Dragon Symposium, Dragon 4 Final Results and Dragon 5 First Year Reporting, Online, 19-23 Jul, 2021.
de P. Pirez, R., Holmgren, J., Olofsson, K., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J. 2021. Influence of distance to the road on stem detection with car-mounted mobile laser scanner. SilviLaser, Virtual Symposium, 28-30 Sep, 2021. PDF
Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. 2021. Impact of sample size – empirical results from a hybrid inference two-phase inventory based on dense laser scanning. SilviLaser, Virtual Symposium, 28-30 Sep, 2021. PDF
Persson, H.J., Olofsson, K., Holmgren, J. 2021. Estimation of individual trees for large areas with high-resolution laser scanning. Mistra Digital Forest Program Conference, Virtual Symposium, 20 May, 2021. PDF
Huuva, I., Persson, H.J., Wallerman, J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2021. Impact of plot size and extended extraction regions of TanDEM-X phase height in relation to forest variables. IGARSS 2021 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Brussels, Belgium, 11-16 July, 2021. DOI
Stelmaszczuk-Górska, M.A., Aguilar-Moreno, E., Casteleyn, S., Vandenbroucke, D., Miguel-Lago, M., Dubois, C., Lemmens, R., Vancauwenberghe, G., Olijslagers, M., Lang, S., Albrecht, F., Belgiu, M., Krieger, V., Jagdhuber, T., Fluhrer, A., Soja, M.J., Mouratidis, A., Persson, H.J., Colombo, R., Masiello, G. 2020. Body of Knowledge for the Earth Observation and Geoinformation Sector – A Basis for Innovative Skills Development. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B5-2020, Archives, . DOI
Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. 2020. Estimation of stem density in hemi-boreal forests using airborne low-frequency synthetic aperture radar. IGARSS 2020 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Virtual Symposium, 26 Sep-2 Oct, 2020. DOI
Huo, L., Lindberg, E., Persson, H.J. 2020. Normalized Projected Red & SWIR (NPRS): A new vegetation index for spruce bark beetle attack detection. IGARSS 2020 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Virtual Symposium, 26 Sep-2 Oct, 2020. DOI
Persson, H.J., Jonzén, J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2020. Combining TanDEM-X, Sentinel-2 and field data for prediction of species-wise stem volumes. IGARSS 2020 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Virtual Symposium, 26 Sep-2 Oct, 2020. DOI
Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. 2019. Integrating SAR backscatter and ICESAT GLAS metrics and allometric functions towards an improved estimation of forest biomass. IGARSS 2019, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 28 July-2 Aug, 2019. DOI
Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J., Fransson, J.E.S., Ulander, L.M.H. 2019. Using the two-level model with TanDEM-X for large-scale forest mapping. IGARSS 2019, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 28 July-2 Aug, 2019. DOI
Lundbäck, M., Persson, H.J., Nordfjell, T. 2019. Share of steep slope worldwide. 52. International Symposium on Forest Mechanisation, Forchtenstein, Austria, 6-9 Oct, 2019. PDF
Zahribanhesari, M., Fallaha, A., Shataee-Joibary, S., Kalbi, S., Persson, H.J. 2019. Estimating the forest stand volume and basal area using Pleiades spectral and auxiliary data. ISPRS International Joint Conferences SMPR and GISresearch, Karaj, Iran, 12-14 Oct, 2019. DOI
Persson, H.J., Askne, J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2019. Sensitivity of TanDEM-X to Vertical and Horizontal Boreal Forest Structure Using IWCM. TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 21-24 Oct, 2019. PDF
Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J., Ulander, L.M.H., Fransson, J.E.S. 2018. National forest mapping of stem volume using TanDEM-X. 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, Aachen, Germany, 4-7 June, 2018. PDF
Persson, H.J., Ståhl, G. 2018. Influence of reference data accuracy in remote sensing studies. ForestSAT, Maryland, USA, 2-5 Oct, 2018. PDF
Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2018. Forest Remote Sensing in Sweden. BioGeoSAR-2018, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 12-15 Nov, 2018. PDF
Persson, H.J., Nilsson, M., Olsson, H., Fransson, J.E.S., Soja, M.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2017. TanDEM-X for national forest mapping. Fringe 2017, Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 July, 2017. PDF
Huuva, I., Fransson, J.E.S., Wallerman, J., Ulander, L.M.H., Blomberg, E. 2017. Measurements Of Forest Biomass Change Using L- And P-Band SAR Backscatter. IGARSS 2017, Texas, USA, 23-28 July, 2017. DOI
Soja, M.J., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2017. Mapping And Modeling Of Boreal Forest Change In TanDEM-X Data With The Two-Level Model. IGARSS 2017, Texas, USA, 23-28 July, 2017. DOI
Santoro, M., Balzter, H., Pedro Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Tansey, K., Quegan, S., Carreiras, J., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E., Hoscilo, A., Ziolkowski, D., Dabrowska-Zielinska, K., Stereńczak, K., Lohberger, S., Stängel, M., Siegert, F., Avitabile, V. 2017. A global dataset of forest biomass for the year 2010 obtained from multiple remote sensing observations: evidences, strengths and limitations. 10th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland, 21-25 Aug, 2017.
Balzter, H., Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Tansey, K., Quegan, S., Carreiras, J., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E., Hoscilo, A., Ziolkowski, D., Dabrowska-Zielinska, K., Stereńczak, K., Lohberger, S., Stängel, M., Siegert, F., Avitabile, V., Mermoz, S., Bouvet, A., LeToan, T., Carval, N., Soja, M.J., Eriksson, L.E.B., Santoro, M., Pathe, C., Schmullius, C. 2017. Lessons learned on forest biomass estimation in the six GLOBBIOMASS regional case studies. Remote Sensing Society conference, , 5-8 Sep, 2017. PDF
Balzter, H., Rodriguez-Veiga, P., Tansey, K., Quegan, S., Carreiras, J., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E., Hoscilo, A., Ziolkowski, D., Dabrowska-Zielinska, K., Stereńczak, K., Lohberger, S., Stängel, M., Siegert, F., Avitabile, V., Mermoz, S., Bouvet, A., LeToan, T., Carval, N., Soja, M.J., Eriksson, L.E.B., Santoro, M., Pathe, C., Schmullius, C. 2016. GLOBBIOMASS Regional Case Studies – Preparing the Ground for Global Forest Biomass Mapping. Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republich, 9-13 May, 2016. PDF
Ulander, L.M.H., Soja, M.J., Monteith, A.R., Eriksson, L.E.B., Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J. 2016. BorealScat:A Tower Experiment for Understanding of Temporal Changes in P- and L-band Backscattering from a Boreal Forest. Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republich, 9-13 May, 2016. PDF
Soja, M.J., Eriksson, L.E.B., Ulander, L.M.H., Fransson, J.E.S., Nilsson, M., Olsson, H., Persson, H.J. 2016. ForMap: A Tool for Mapping and Monitoring of Forests in Sweden with TanDEM-X Interferometry and a Digital Terrain Model. Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republich, 9-13 May, 2016.
Fransson, J.E.S., Santoro, M., Nilsson, M., Olsson, H., Persson, H.J., Wallerman, J., Eriksson, L.E.B., Soja, M.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2016. Estimation of forest stem volume using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 satellite images. IGARSS 2016, Advancing the Understanding of Our Living Planet, Beijing, China, 10-15 July, 2016. PDF
Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S., Olsson, H., Soja, M.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2016. TanDEM-X radar challenges airborne laser. The 2016 annual meeting of SRS, Umeå, Sweden, 16-17 March, 2016. PDF
Persson, H.J. 2016. Forestry applications of satellite stereogrammetry using very high resolution (VHR) optical data. The 2016 annual meeting of SRS, Umeå, Sweden, 16-17 March, 2016. PDF
Ulander, L.M.H., Soja, M.J., Monteith, A.R., Eriksson, L.E.B., Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2016. BorealScat – a tower based tomographic and polarimetric radar experiment in the boreal forest. The 2016 annual meeting of SRS, Umeå, Sweden, 16-17 March, 2016. PDF
Dostalova, A., Persson, H.J., Wagner, W. 2016. Geocoding uncertainty analysis for the automated processing of Sentinel-1 data using Sentinel-1 Toolbox software. SPIE Remote Sensing, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-29 Sep, 2016. DOI
Schmullius, C., Thiel, C., Pathe, C., Matejka, E., Quegan, S., Carreiras, J., Wegmuller, U., Santoro, M., Wiesmann, A., Balzter, H., Rodriguez, P., Tansey, K., LeToan, T., Mermoz, S., Bouvet, A., Dabrowska-Zielinska, K., Hoscilo, A., Ziolkowski, D., Siegert, F., Englhart, S., Fransson, J., Persson, H.J., Herold, M., Avitabile, V., Häme, T., Rauste, Y., Shvidenko, A., Schepaschenko, D., Sterenczak, K., Eriksson, L., Ulander, L.M.H, Steffen, F., Reichstein, M., Carvalhais, N., Mathieu, R., Seifert, F.M. 2016. Estimates of Biomass on a Global Scale. Living Planet Symposium, Prague, Czech Republich, 9-13 May, 2016. PDF
Persson, H.J., Olsson, H., Fransson, J.E.S. 2016. Stereo matched very high-resolution satellite images for predictions of forest variables. ForestSAT, Santiago, Chile, 14-18 Nov, 2016. PDF
Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J. 2015. Detection of thinning and clear-cuts using TanDEM-X data. IGARSS 2015 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Milan, Italy, 26-31 July, 2015. DOI
Soja, M., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2015. Detection of forest change and robust estimation of forest height from two-level model inversion of multi-temporal, single-pass InSAR data.. IGARSS 2015 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Milan, Italy, 26-31 July, 2015. DOI
Persson, H.J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2015. Analysis of tree height growth with TanDEM-X data. 35th EARSeL 2015 Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-19 June, 2015. PDF
Wallerman, J., Nyström, K., Bohlin, J., Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J., Fransson, J.E.S. 2015. Estimating forest age and site productivity using time series of 3D remote sensing data. IGARSS 2015 Symposium, Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Earth, Milan, Italy, 26-31 July, 2015. DOI
Soja, M.J., Fransson, J.E.S., Nilsson, M., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2015. Storskalig kartering av virkesförråd med radarinterferometri 2015. Remote Sensing Days, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-22 Oct, 2015. PDF
Soja, M., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L.M.H. 2014. Estimation of Boreal Forest Biomass from Two-Level Model Inversion of Interferometric TanDEM-X Data. IGARSS 2014, Quebec, Canada, 13-18 July, 2014. PDF DOI
Soja, M.J., Askne, J., Fransson, J., Persson, H.J., Ulander, L. 2013. Forest canopy modelling from TanDEM-X interferometry and Lidar DEM. Swedish Remote Sensing Days, Solna, Sweden, 8-9 Apr, 2013.
Ulander, L.M.H., Askne, J., Eriksson, L., Fransson, J.E.S., Persson, H.J., Soja, M.J. 2013. Effects of tree species and season on boreal forest biomass estimates from TanDEM-X. 5th TerraSAR-X and 4th TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany, 10-14 June, 2013.
Persson, H.J., Santoro, M., Fransson, J.E.S. 2013. Estimation of forest variables using radargrammetry on TerraSAR-X data in combination with a high resolution DEM. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-13 Sep, 2013. PDF
Persson, H. 2012. Estimation of forest variables using TanDEM-X data in combination with a high resolution DEM. ForestSAT, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 11-14 Sep, 2012. PDF
Persson, H., Wallerman, J., Olsson, H., Fransson, J.E.S. 2012. Estimating biomass using DSM from satellite data and DEM from high-resolution laser scanning data. IGARSS 2012, Munich, Germany, 22-27 July, 2012. DOI
Popular Science Papers
Persson, H.J.. 2024. Branschgemensamt datalabb skapas. Vision, p. 1. PDF
Persson, H.J.. 2024. Upptäcker kulturlämningar med hjälp av laserdata. Mistra Digital Forest annual report 2023. PDF
Allard, A., Wood, C., Norton, L., Aagard Christensen, A., Van Eetvelde, V., Brown, A., Persson, H.J., Eriksson, L.. 2023. Monitoring Biodiversity - Combining Environmental and Social Data (Book); Ch 2, Monitoring as a field. Taylor & Francis Group, p. 25. PDF
Lindberg, E., Bohlin, I., Bohlin, J., Fransson, J.E.S., Huo, L., Nilsson, M., Persson, H.J.. 2022. Potential of mapping forest damage from remotely sensed data. SLU Report, p. 20. PDF
Persson, H., Lindberg, E.. 2021. Forest Damage Database – a possibility for remote sensing applications. SLU Forest Damage Center, p. 12. PDF
Ulander, L., Monteith, A., Dehlén, J., Fransson, J., Persson, H.. 2021. Kan granbarkborreangrepp på skog upptäckas i tidsserier med radarmätningar?. Slutrapport HS Wingquists stiftelse, p. 9. PDF
Persson, H., Soja, M., Olsson, H., Fransson, J.. 2015. Satellitbaserade 3D-data till hjälp för skogliga skattningar. Fakta Skog, p. 4, (in Swedish). PDF
Other publicity
2025-03-10 Winter campaign with drone based radar. LinkedIn – SLU Remote sensing Division
2024-07-09 Innovativ metod för storskalig kartläggning. SLU news
2024-06-18 Flygande radar kartlägger trädens torka. Regional news paper article
2024-05-15 Presentation of Skogforsk projects Skogforsklabbet, Dikesplan, Kartering av Forn och kulturlämningar, Nya volymfunktioner med skördardata, and Radarskanning i Markdatalabbet, at the PSG meeting with the Swedish forest sector, in Uppsala.
2024-05-15 Presentation of the SLU Forest Remote Sensing Division’s ongoing research at the PSG meeting with the Swedish forest sector, in Uppsala.
2024-04-15 Presentation of Skogforsklabbet at the Vinnova annual meeting in Gothenburg.
2024-01-18 Digital presentation of Data collection for developing remote sensing of forest drought damage (SWE: Utveckling av drönarbaserad hyperspektral analys för tidig detektion av barkborreskador, at SLU Forest Damage Centre annual conference, Eskilstuna, Sweden.
2023-11-17 Presentation (Skogforsk) on finding ancient remains in forests (SWE: Hitta och beskriva forn- och kulturvärden i skogsmark), at Mistra Digital Forest meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
2023-10-04 Presentation on Multi phase inventory using high resolution laser scanning, at PO Bäckström research seminar, Umeå, Sweden.
2023-08-21 Presentation on remote sensing and Google Earth Engine for analyzing the impact of the war on the ecology in Ukraine. Uppsala, Sweden.
2023-05-24 Presentation (Skogforsk) on finding ancient remains in forests (SWE: Hitta och beskriva forn- och kulturvärden i skogsmark), at PSG meeting, Umeå, Sweden.
2023-05-11 Presentation on Multi phase laser based forest inventory at the Mistra Digital Forest program conference in Uppsala, Sweden.
2023-04-04 Presentation on Modern forest inventory with drones, airplanes and satellites, at Västerbotten Museum in Umeå. Popular science presentation.
2023-02-22 Presentation on Measuring forest vitality using radar and the connection to bark beetle damages, at RESDINET kickoff-meeting in Zvolen, Slovakia.
2022-09-21 Presentation on Measuring forest vitality with radar, at Krycklan symposium in Umeå, Sweden.
2022-06-07 Presentation on forest remote sensing at Åbo Academy, Finland
2022-05-31 Presentation of BorealScat-2 in Vindeln at Swedish-French Conference
2022-05-10 Presentation on forest remote sensing at Vietnam National University of Forestry
2021-05-20 Laser scanning based forest inventory project presentation in Mistra
2021-02-25 Nya programaktiviteter Mistra Digital Forest